
I had a cystoscopy (i.e. a camera goes up your urethra into your bladder), and as the doctor was investigating my bladder, he exclaimed "you have a such a beautiful bladder! It's truly magnificent!"

Agreed... so much.

Umm... have we all forgotten that this is A FUCKING CARTOON!?!?

I absolutely love the stupid yanks who protest by saying they'll go to Canada.


Ugh... I hate this.

Am I the only one who couldn't possibly care any less than I already do about people and their procreation?

Please elaborate.

It boggles my mind how this man repeatedly fell through the cracks. Beating his wife, abducting his children, and then numerous phone calls to police to report suspicious activity... and it took TEN YEARS for them to figure it out?

What's so horrible about freckles?

Like.... a lot!

I had a nicely painted mental picture of you on the ground with a coke bottle and it cracked me up. Thanks :)

While I think the commercial and point leaves a lot to be desired (and is arguably problematic in many ways), I couldn't help but feel tingly happiness because it reminded me of Mr. Trickius.

This genuinely surprised me. I only buy Burt's because I assume it's safer. I am really disappointed to even see them on the list.

This sadly isn't the case.

Don't bank on it. I've had Mirena for a little over a year and still get periods. The time leading up to the periods are the absolute worst though :(


This should be permitted. I think there should simply be a period of leave, not specifically for maternity/paternity, but for whatever life thing you need to deal with. Maybe you need an extra long time for bereavement, or you need to fly back home to deal with your deceased parent's affairs. Perhaps you want to

This made me happy.

You actually can. Escorts will happily do that for you, but for a good price.