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    /hugz :)

    Your sarcasm meter is broken :/ Cause I don't see how my words had any jokes/humour/faking/sarcasm in it...It was a full serious comment. But I guess it might be because you didn't state what "filler" do you mean, in your original post. I thought you were like the others, who says all the talking are the fillers. lol

    But at least 93% of all the talking and "brooding" are part of the manga, and is either plot, character or world development. You have to understand that, unlike the manga where one could read the whole Trost arc in under one hour, the actors have to act it out(with emotions and interactions with the world and other

    I know, but the others didn't think so :P

    Which still points to back what I said before, that a lot of other show does this too, and to a much worse degree. But yes, it's understandable there would be more stuff in the episode it self if they didn't have it. But AoT's recap/intro isn't super long imo. I have watched some shows where the recap goes on for 4

    Barcroft TV

    Awesome cluster fuck.

    Like the others said, it's alright atm, because it's on TV. But once the BluRay uncensored version comes out, it will be gory.

    In short, it's like Fullmetal Alchemist, it has a bit of everything.

    I think the cracks are still small, much more smaller then other series to be honest. There's still enough to hold it all together, and people are just freaking out too much.

    I think the anime did it better, by doing the training arc first. Makes more sense then, being able to suddenly fight titans after his mum died. Much more better, seeing them grow to be stronger and then get their hopes crushed :P

    Problems that plague all on-going series :/

    You might think it was unnecessary, but it was all canon stuff from the manga(well with the exception in ep12 and another ep). Pretty much all the talking is character development, interactions and world development. This series isn't suppose to be a full fledge action series btw.

    To be fair, every show does that, no? And long Opening?...every opening is 1 minute and 30 second long...

    Well, it might be cause they want to end this first arc at ep 13, so they did stretch it out a tiny bit, it's not as ridiculous as people have said.

    That might actually happen soon in the manga XD

    Not as much as other series to be honest(eg. Bleach). And the only real filler/padding is in ep12, with the Jean and Connie parts.

    Anime's first season is going to be 25 episodes, which might stop around chapter 27/28, so they do got enough for a second season. And obviously season 2, won't happen for quite some time... There's also an Plot OVA coming later this year.

    Calling character and world development 'fillers', is just plane ignorant. Stop thinking that AoT is a full fledge action series.