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    Can't be helped that this part of the manga was a bit slow and dialogue heavy. But to be fair, they haven't really slowed down at all...it's pretty much 1 chapter per episode.

    Too few examples are shown, to even call it "too much".

    What's a Newzealander? :P

    Though, with quite a lot of indie devs, if they don't do that, they won't have any funding.

    With real-life cut-scenes!

    Now playing

    He also voices like 20 characters in Dota 2...

    You can already tell it's him in the new infamous, and yes it is confirmed it's him.

    Lighting never strikes the same place twice :)

    Can find quite a few videos on youtube.

    Both vids have rather different style of narration.

    It's not done yet ;D

    Yeah. Looks like it's a used dutchwife :P

    It's Tuesday for me in 1 hour and 30 minutes :P

    "International Internet of Things"?

    The PRISM thingy, is the real life version :P

    Took me 10seconds in. The skin tone, finger/hand animation, shadows, shaders and just the general filter style they used, makes it too easy to spot it was a CGI.

    I bet the game was similar to Assassin's Creed(possibly even better), which Ubisoft saw it was a threat.

    I would say upwards of 5 years younger, is fine. It's the 10+ years that's worrying...

    Yeah, pretty much everyone here in New Zealand just use Steam now. As game stores are pretty much dead.