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    True, but Japan isn't the only small place, other parts of Asia too.

    The whole planet's pretty stressful, you know.

    "It's so boring and repetitive."

    Mass Effect is a poor man's 3D Love Sim.

    Lol, I remember that movie...forgot what it's called thou XD

    It's mix of old style music with pop, just cause you don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.

    "LAPD detective and descendant of Ray McCall from the original Call of Juarez."

    *Reads the article*

    Already been done by korean MMO makers.

    He needs to fix bugs first...

    This is what she looks like now

    Could this be Activision's pay back for "Duty Calls"?

    Could this be Activision's pay back for "Duty Calls"?

    They can date and have sex and stuff, it just depends on what Agency they worked for and their polices, it's usually idols around teenager(14+) to 24yr old idols that needs to watch out for these rules. If their Agency don't allow it, they can still do it secretly, and hope they don't get caught...

    Kotaku Japan links not working!!

    While it does indeed look better, but still not feeling it's there yet...


    FOR THE WIN!~~~

    It's not impossible to have textures like that...