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    @truthtellah: yeah, you would want to grind some levels, so you can get better stuff when you go race online.

    @Char Aznable: Even so, it slips under the rug when they found out what their girls are doing. Of course they can just fire the girl, but what if it's their top girls? And it just happens she brought in tons of profit for that one slip-up? They turn a blind eye on it of course.

    @ShiryuGN: Well it's not like every Japanese phrases, jargons, and whatnots can be easily put into understandable English.

    @Grimm808: "None of this sh!t exists in Tokyo."

    @Souffrir: Until Death Do Us Part did it first :P

    @Char Aznable: Why wouldn't they? It's not like hostess bars aren't also prostitution places...

    @KotakuLand: In this scenario "Advertisement" and "Relation" are two different things.

    Took awhile to get this story up, huh.