
Never tweet.

I dunno Ham, if you followed the same standard you would’ve run out of stuff to write about 10 years ago.

Go eat some ass and stop pretending to be the smartest person in the room. Halloween is over.

This is the SAME FBI that chose not to recommend prosecuting Hillary for crimes that far exceed those that a Defense Contractor employee was arressted and indicted for only a few months later.

Jesus Christ. The people in this echo chamber. Dare challenge anything that’s written, even slightly, and you get labeled “Trump Trash”. Even while you explain that you’ll be voting for Hillary, and that Trump is an idiot. If you ever want to complain about the state of political discourse in this country, please look

Oh for fuck’s sake it is not. A week ago every single person would have said that they’re in the tank for Hillary.

Is it like destroying evidence and being investigated by the FBI twice. Wanna take the 5th? You’ll fit right in!

So, again, he used a tax strategy that is (was) legal. To pay less taxes.

It’s actually somewhat surprising Gawker staffers are scolding people for evading taxes, given Nick Denton’s offshore funds

The “Trump spokesperson [who] told the Times that what they had was not news” isn’t wrong.

I’m as appalled as you are. How dare these dudes make a list of soccer players, simply ranked by their hotness and not about their achievements as athletes on the field?

That’s terrible! These women shouldn’t be judged by their physical appearance! Pictures of said soccer women?

the person their picking up

(raises hand) Me. I’m concerned.

People don’t need an excuse not to vote for someone, and candidates aren’t owed any votes. They need to earn them.

She had a private server to avoid transparency. Nothing more nothing less

Taking stands might upset people. If she stands with the protesters she’s going to lose that sweet, sweet oil money. If she stands with the pipeline she’s going to look like she doesn’t care about minorities.

Hope everyone is ready for 4 years of this mind-numbing Clintonian fatuousness.