
Many children’s hospitals will treat uninsured children for all sorts of ailments for free, even/especially cancer. That information doesn’t always get shared. Please pass it on.

Also, is everyone subjected to these chromosomal tests or is just her?


She looks dowdy and 15 years older than she is. Better stylist, better make-up artist, stat.

Is Drew cosplaying as Laura from Little House on the Prairie? Or is it some really bad ‘70s disco thing? Because those are the only reasons I think that can justify that horrible, horrible dress.

I can get Bounty paper towels. However, getting Scott’s one ply toilet paper is very miss-or-hit on Amazon, much less in any of the grocery stories. Adult wipes are even more difficult to source. 


As long as you don’t think this issue is exclusive to NASCAR, we’re all good.

I can understand that struggle. I had a point when I struggled with thinking I was pansexual. I finally realized that I am not pansexual because I am not attracted to any/all genders or sexes. My personal attraction is for women who have breasts and men who have penises, and I don’t want that body to have both kinds

Thank you to everyone who clarified demisexual for me. Sorry about that.

Sapiosexual, demisexual, or pansexual. Attracted to the mind; needing attraction to have sexual encounters; or attracted to everyone regardless of their gender or sex, in that order.

Josh Hawley???? Fuck, no. Just don’t. Nope. No. Don’t.

I in no way doubt you. However, I suspect we’re talking about different things here. I’m not talking about the people; I’m talking about how all the environmental work done over the last 30 years has just been walked back, how education advances have been walked back because Ghoul Devos favors religious private

Back in 2017, I stopped recognizing the U.S. as the place I’ve lived all my life. Liar-in-Chief’s America is not my U.S.

I love crickets! The chirping sounds, the harmonies, the lonely cricket in the fall creaking out its last in search of a mate...

Kinda, yah, I did. But the insanity at the end made up for some of the tedious parts. Also, Jeff Gordon and Mike Joy have excellent voices to sleep to, and the sound of high powered motors going really fast is also soothing. I frequently turn on the Coke 600 overnight for sleep.

I don’t agree. Some of the races, esp. the double headers this year, caused by Covid-19, have been short, and they feel short, which changes the dynamics, and for me, not for the better.

No. Leave the timed races with the racing that does timed races. NASCAR is about endurance, about reps, not a timed event. Don’t like NASCAR’s style? Go watch the series that does what you like. 

Ty for giving me the appropriate source. 😃

He’s a perfect example of “Dull as sin.” I prefer your “Banality of evil,” though.