I didn’t make this clear, but I was in my mid 30's when this happened. *lough*
I didn’t make this clear, but I was in my mid 30's when this happened. *lough*
*grin* It’s ok, I have been laughing about this event for a couple decades now. You’re not making light.
The quality of Cadbury Creme Eggs has gone way down due to being bought out by Hershey’s, even if the chocolate for Cadbury is better than Hershey’s. Like, dude, it’s not hard to be better than Hershey’s, unless you’re Nestle.
One day, when I was living with my mother, I put on an egg to boil. Then I wandered off and disappeared into a website or three until I heard BANG! I ran into the kitchen, only to realize that I’d forgotten about the egg. The water had all boiled off, and the egg finally exploded from the steam. Between the smell of…
A few days ago, I was the crazy middle aged woman wandering the aisles exclaiming, “I’ve never seen anything like this in my 50 years.” And I haven’t. My mother would have recognized the empty shelves. She grew up during the Great Depression. TBH, I was saying what I could see in other people’s eyes, the astonishment,…
In the 10 things we learned post, the entry list is at the end of the page, although all the other points are hilarious and worthy of reading time. The list of 35 are all top three series racers, past and present. Parker Kligerman is also media for NBCSN, and almost all the other names you see there that aren’t from…
I appreciate the recommendations. TBH, though, I prefer to buy my books, ebook or hardback, simply because I’m absolutely shitty at returning books to libraries.
Pet stores are still open, at least PetSmart is, although they’ve stopped taking grooming appointments as of tomorrow, at least in my area.
Try seven cats on one king bed with two very large humans. That includes the 18 year old scoldy black cat, Princess Gabby, Paper Shredder, and Dollop, Percher on the Humans. The rest of the cats don’t necessarily get along, either. No one wants to sleep over on the couch because they’ll get trampled. Multiple times.…
We have a confused van kitty. She thinks Daddy (my hubby) is in the closet when the door is closed. As he’s lying in bed. Complete with CPAP noises. She will NOT stop scratching, either. There’s a lot of late night shouting in our household.
Just a point of order—Typhoid Mary thought the doctors were lying to her about her being a typhoid carrier without getting sick, so she ignored orders, medical and civil, and continued on being household help. The reason she had to be locked up is that she absolutely refused to cooperate with not infecting others.…
I’ve been doing the social distancing since mid-October for non-virus reasons. I’m about to start ripping my skin off (not literally), or otherwise try to not scream every day I wake up and get dizzy just from sitting up. I can’t sit or stand more than about 3 hours at a go without getting a severe migraine and/or…
That’s totally not a fair comparison. Rome was around for over a thousand years
beforeas its leaders were completely batshit from beginning to end.
Yay! Maximalism! I tend to love colors on the wall, gray-neutral furniture, and lots of STUFF. I hate neutral colors, and don’t even get me started about white ceilings of ANY type.
Oh, eggs. LOL. Somehow, we’ve ended up with about 4 dozen. *laughs helplessly* It’s on the list, and we had a house guest who kept eating eggs. So now, no house guest. Too many eggs. Time for deviled eggs with feta!
Sometimes, all you can do is laugh until you cry, then keep going.
Use the Morningstar Grillers to make Sloppy Josephines, i.e. vegetarian Sloppy Joes. Here’s how I do it.
Thank you! He’s mostly a good kid unless his severe ADHD gets ahead of him and his medication. So yah, it’s gonna be...something.
Kansas City school district has shut down for a few weeks, mostly to sanitize the hells out of all the buildings. I suspect other school districts will be doing the same in the near future. We have a very active, rambunctious 2nd grader in our household. This is not gonna be fun.
If you want one series for the entire time, and you like epic fantasy, try Steven Erikson’s Malazan’s Book of the Fallen. Ten doorstoppers will keep anyone busy. It’s a finished series, btw. Better than Wheel of Time, IMO.