
My entire book club hated this book. It was one of the most pretentious things I’ve ever read. The trailer for this looked so incredible boring I’m not surprised by the reviews at all. I thought maybe the movie would help me understand why this book was such a big deal, but I guess not.

I hope they are paying you well, and your not just interning for school credit or “experience”.

Ugh some of these comments... smh. Johnny Depp will be just fine.... he needs to move the fuck on, it’s like he still needs to have control over her and he’s doing it through lawsuits. 

NPD, covert subtype. People with this personality disorder rewrite their history and memories in their own head until they believe their own idealized version of reality. He honestly feels like the wronged party because this type of abuser sees themself as abused when they don’t get the obedience they believe they’re

He’s in trouble on multiple fronts and I cannot for the life of me figure out why he decided to file suit and draw attention to himself like this. It only brings up the abuse allegations again and then leads down a rabbit hole where you learn or are reminded that he’s in trouble for fraud, he’s recently attacked crew

I can’t believe they’re rebooting PotC already. But the franchise is a beaten dead horse at this point, so Depp should be happy to move on to the other SEVEN blockbusters he’s got in the works. He’s not suffering for jobs! But if he truly lost a role, the Amber Heard drama is only a drop in the bucket of Bad Behavior

How is that disputable? She’s one of the highest-paid novelists in the world. In 2018 she literally made £6,190,042/day, every day.

Sid killed Nancy, though.

I dipped out of the Pirates franchise after the second one. Whether he lost the role due to the allegations or not, Jack Sparrow is tiresome. It was in dire need of a reboot before the allegations were even made. 

I’m not sure that’s fair. I’ve yet to hear anything that puts Amber Heard on the level of abuse that equals or even is a small percentage of what is alleged by her against Depp.

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is built entirely on Depp’s back. Those movies are still being made. He has not “lost roles” and in fact he has the vocal support of one of the most powerful storytellers alive right now (Rowling, in those awful Grindelwald movies). What a crock of shit, I hate him so much.

I have hated Azaeaioleauia Banks always (my first knowledge of her was some Twitter fight; I listened to the one song people liked and it sucked), but she’s coming after Lizzo now?

Maybe it’s because the rest of the news is a constant grind of awfulness, but I kind of love this ongoing slapfight between Actual College Professor and The Living Avatar Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Lana Del Rey sings pretty explicitly about sex. It would still look weird to see a male journalist go “how do you like to fuck, though?

Yeah, it’s like the least-weird thing Travolta has said in a very long time.

A father says the nicest, least narcissitic, least sexist things, about his daughter in public and somehow that’s...weird? And taking credit for her doing well?

I am so glad Travolta stopped wearing the hairpieces.  He really rocks the bald head.  Now, if he can just come out from under scientology.

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now,

Fuck me. I mean if we can't trust professional wastrels to post accurate photographs of their social media subsidized lifestyle, who can we trust? I'm shaken.