When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.
When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.
I travel internationally quite a bit and I avoid certain “sketchy” airlines like Air India, Aeroflot, Lot, Wow, Copa, Viet Nam, Eurowings, and the former Indonesian, etc. for things exactly like this.
Three most important pieces of advice I wish someone had told me before I had my first baby:
Here’s the allegation that I keep coming back to:
Good video, but I’m mainly here to fan myself over Donald Glover’s delicious voice telling people how behave appropriately in work place situations. Yes. Mmmmmm-mmmmmm.
God I remember this so much when I lived in NYC. Trying to walk to work and mind my own business, seeing a group of men standing on the sidewalk ahead of me, and get a little anxiety just knowing I was going to hear some bullshit come out their mouths.
People are upset that the U.S. is on the list ahead of other countries where it is obviously dangerous for women, but remember that health is one of the metrics used, as well as sexual violence and discrimination. We are going backwards in women health, especially for pregnant women who are not rich. Add that to the…
I hope Schumer and Pelosi paid attention tonight. This woman is the future.
I have yet to look at an Instagram Influencer’s feed and not get immediately exhausted.
People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.
Fuck these people. This is what they deserve. No restaurant is required to serve them and they are not a protected class. They may think it’s funny to go to Mexican restaurants and have these people serve them while calling them animals, but they can laugh all they want OUTSIDE, ON THE SIDEWALK. Not to mention, every…
Yet another reason she’s amazing. I’ll agree that the modern woman doesn’t necessarily choose between career and family, but we (ok, I) do often end up trying to do BOTH, and sometimes feeling like master of neither. On-screen representation of a career woman behaving in a less gendered way at home is a step in the…
I still think its the ultimate hypocrisy how many Trump supporters champion her while degrading Michelle Obama. Saying shit like “finally, a First Lady with class”. Michelle Obama was Ivy League educated and that still wasnt enough. Melania Trump is literally the antithesis of everything the mostly White racist…
I liked Set it Up and I’m looking forward to more Netflix romcoms, hopefully with more diversity in the the lead roles.
It was inspiring to watch him seeking joy and adventure in the world, a buffer from the darkness that only grows through experiences and connections with people. Depression makes it so much harder to feel those things, and I’m just heartbroken that he was that sad.
Isn’t them looking perfect kind of the point of this whole movie? I’m in it for the hair, the makeup, the outfits.
“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”
Also, if your mom changed her name when she married your dad, it is her name too! And now it belongs to you.
I once prepped a public official to do a late night show (not this one), and every single thing is prepped days in advance and damn near scripted: the anecdotes*, the outfits, the clips, etc. There’s zero room for spontaneity, which is probably why the network shows suck so bad.