I added the OEM cruise control to my manual as the dealer said only the automatics came with cruise control. Luckily, Kia was nice enough to pre-wire all their cars for top trim levels. I just had to install the switches in the steering wheel along with it’s ribbon cable.
Gas pedal repositioning spacers or gas pedal extenders for making heel-toe downshifting much easier. I’ve done this for like 5 cars I’ve had in the past. NC and ND Miatas, BRZ, Focus ST and Fiesta ST.
It has a high creep factor for some reason.
I’m not real sure why, but that license plate makes me furious.
… This reminds me of a story: Back in 1992, I was driving a friend’s Yugo from Boston to Port Jefferson NY. On Route 95, the border between Rhode Island and Connecticut is a steep hill, and toward the top of the hill was a speed trap. I was clocked at 70 in a 55 MPH zone while traveling uphill.
I’m as critical of Tesla as they come, but this is silly.
This is such a good idea. Pontiac was at it’s best when they were the excitement/test bed brand for GM, and at their worst when they were the knockoff Chevy brand for GM. A company competing with themselves is never a good idea, that’s what GM’s problem was with Pontiac and Chevy. If they brought back Pontiac as the…
If your fursona is rabbit based, we’ve found your car. For the rest of humanity the price needs to come down a notch. Or a hop. No dice.
now if they’d only pull out of Ukraine...
Each time change is around the corner, some idiots have to find a way to spread misinformation, EV, Climate Change, Vaccine ....etc And you will be surprise how many people eat this type of info without even questioning it. Unbelievable.
They must have kept it chilly on the set.
It’s OK now, Rob, you can abandon the quest. You will never, ever get the 100% ND vote you seek.
1986 Fiero, and yes, they are real. And they’re spectacular.
As the owner of a 1989 Firebird with a similar amount of Torx screw heads, I can confirm they are NOT fake. Maybe not all that necessary, but they are totally holding the plastic on the dash.
Seriously, how much would it cost for a company-wide subscription to Grammarly?
It went to collage? Are you saying it went to art school?
Calling the Ghost of David Tracy