Parsec is a unit of measure not speed!!
Parsec is a unit of measure not speed!!
Noticed this too.. wonder if the buyer can drive a stick :-)
5speed is awesome! no need to call it that :-)
GenX here, in the late 90's I used to make mixed cd’s from mp3's, 10-12 songs just like a regular disk. In the early 00's I had a 2001 Pathfinder it had a cd player that could read mp3s that was the bomb yo.. haha
He might have fucked it. While installing the guages.
Materials wise maybe.. but this interior reminds me of simple interiors thus I like it! Better than the c8
I smell a new drivers aid, call AERCA, Automatic Emergency Rock Crawling Avoidance. lol
Would be great if Toyota injected some quality into Subaru!
fascinated haha
100% this! buddies dad had one new when I was growing up, I remember the “door is ajar” and being fractionated by that lol
This brought pure joy to a otherwise mundane tues! thx for sharing!
WOAH, that is MF cool! Great job for her! Now how practical is to be seen. Putting LCD screens on the pillars sounds like a hazard IMO.
I agree completely, a 88 GT with this drivetrain would be amazing!
PG has the right answer, or a vibe (as others have suggested). I’d kill for a 6speed vibe!
Does not compute.. what is that?
Agreed with the other commenters, at least 2x too much (if not more). Still a decent example, I wouldn’t mind driving it!
Take your star for the thanos reference!
Woah good eye Mr Tracy!
Also less need to brake with a manual, you can downshift to slow down (engine braking), less slipping in snow! I used to love that about my manuals.