Because that matters :)
Because that matters :)
PUBG doesn’t use the same anti cheat as Fortnite.
This is a game I wish was entertaining to stream at any given time because I could see myself getting lost in how beautiful it is with all of its content.
Lmao. This game is so over in a few more months anyways. It’s being literally buried alive, and no one will even care.
I say let them live their shitty digital lives.
You can still draw/paint on the model in real time.
Has the firmament been shattered?
It is. And feels like one.
And yet, the game is still clunky as ever which will never change because “wE dEsIgNeD iT tHaT wAy”
As an Apple user, I’m gonna just get this off my chest by saying Fuck You, Apple.
Yeah same, it’s gonna be interesting to see if they give us more details during this coming E3.
They built a new engine for this game purposely to hold more people which was interesting to find out and I’m surprised they didn’t gloat during the reveal but then again, they were super vague on the BR portion.
As a Twitch Partnered streamer that primarily plays PUBG, I enjoy the “classic” 100 ppl experience. I do also recognize things need to evolve and change and would totally be okay with “only” let’s say 64 people per game if that’s the case.
Guns. Guns are mightier than the sword. Also cloaked aliens and cars, both are pretty mighty.
Spray and Pray baby!
Weed is legal in many places now, including where this was filmed.
Hey, there’s a mute function for voice chat.
Bargain Bin Food.