
On one end i’m jealous you get to dive into these snacks and enjoy all the things I wanna shove in my stupid mouth, but on the other end i’m worried about your health and hope you take care of yourself after doing these things cause i’m sure some are insanely addictive.

Maybe i’m self projecting, I have no self control.

I literally lost my mind laughing at this article.


Pretty neat story.

I feel like there’s an internal civil war within Square Enix when they debut this kind of mess.

That Battlegrounds trend tho, aka the modern version of that Zombie Survival craze which plagued the industry for quite some time.

Aren’t the items found in the “Eververse” also found in the game and also obtained by merely playing the game itself?

I mean... he’s kinda right though.


So they can release a mobile game in like 2 seconds but take 15 thousand years to release a Boy Band x Final Fantasy game disguised as the 15th installment.

Seems legit.

Not much of a secret anymore, now is it?

The entertainment life is rough when your audience hides behind computer/smart device screens.

She needed to recruit mods and also turn on AutoMod so people can’t spam messages and say jacked up phrases. It isn’t perfect either but better than literally nothing.

My mother taught me if I have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

This literally made me “lol” IRL :D

Question - why does Valve have to beat anything? Why not just join the TCG party and offer an enjoyable experience.

Let’s be honest - Every game you listed minus Hearthstone and Magic are meek.

My impression of an abusive ex promising they’re better now and begging to come back.

This looks so hecking good.

This is a glimmer into why this game is so amazing on so many levels.