Are you the older white man you appear to be? That might explain why she never got a “fuck yeah!” from you. She literally got several of them from me during the debates especially in her fierce defense of abortion rights. But I’m a woman.
Are you the older white man you appear to be? That might explain why she never got a “fuck yeah!” from you. She literally got several of them from me during the debates especially in her fierce defense of abortion rights. But I’m a woman.
Without more context I’m going to assume you’re asking for communities of color and women, and for that I’m going to point you to (1) her lifelong work with the Children’s Defense Fund, (2) her investigations into schools refusing to integrate in the South, (3) her lifelong advocacy for early childhood education, and…
Once Hillary was nominated, whatever you thought of her, the most important task was to get her elected to avoid THIS. Instead, so-called progressives booed her at the convention, and kept right on bitching about her through November.
Yes, a fringe element of Bernie supporters were a real problem. They tried to disrupt the DNC convention, including booing Bernie himself and trying to heckle during Hillary’s acceptance speech. They drove Hillary supporters underground, which made it easy for the media to create a narrative of Hillary as dull and…
If I have to hear the disenfranchised white dude narrative one more time, I’m going to hurl. This was, of course, the explicit campaign Sanders was running, one which the demographics of his voters reflects.
I had so many arguments on this very site in Aug/Sept/Oct with people who were just SLAMMING Hillary and stewing about Bernie. Their excuse was ALWAYS “well whatever I’m going to vote for her but I still wanted point out that she’s the WORSTEST NEOLIBERAL WAR HAWK SECRET RACIST HOMOPHOBE ELECTION STEALER EVAR…
BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.
If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...
Starred for “massive poop dipped in WD-40" but also for everything else.
God, what an idiotic waste of money.
This motherfucker also said, regarding forcing EPA to take down its website about climate change and national parks to remove tweets critical of Trump’s anti-climate stance: “That wasn’t us. That came from inside those agencies because they violated their own anti-lobbying policies. That wasn’t us.”
Leave it for Iris, however, to be Jez’s local #wellactually concern troll.
How long until Spicer is fired? He’s not selling this garbage very well. Is Baghdad Bob available?
Eh, they are required to hold hearings for this guy so it’s not taking time away from fighting the heartbeat bill. If Merkley has to be here for this anyway, he might as well engage in a little pettiness.
There’s no petty like Oregonian petty. We’re also fucking awesome at passive-aggressive.
This is some petty shit and I am living for it.
Agreed. An activists job at a large successful action is not to whine about why the people who showed up weren’t at the previous actions, but to do something — other than whining — to make sure as many of them as possible come back to the next one. This article is not helpful.
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and…
What’s with these purity tests that people on the left require of one another?