
Straights: Wait he’s gay???

i just keep imaging radios in pick up trucks spontaneously bursting into flames

Yeah, not obvious, though gay artists in the past have had songs referencing women I think? Queen’s Fat bottomed girls comes to mind. I assume Elton John must have had a few, though I don’t know his songs that well.

This is getting better and better.
The kid that destroyed country music in 2019 is not only black, but gay ? I love this so much. 

I’m honestly hoping he can make a fascinating and eclectic career for himself and not become the internet’s one hit wonder nostalgia joke of 2040s.

He doesn’t give a shit about any of the american middle class or lower middle class as long as his user base thinks he’s hurting china, the libs and anyone who isn’t christian or white.

No, he apparently doesn’t. If he said that, sure. But he has repeatedly talked about tariffs like it was a tax on another country.

Trump knows less than an average Fox News commenter. 

Yay, so everyone can pay more for products. It won’t just “hit China”, it will also hurt the American consumer by making us pay more for products.  So everyone loses, good plan.

The amount of savings that they have by producing in China is still more than it would be worth to produce in the U.S.

If you believe that, then I have a great deal on a bridge in Brooklyn for you.

hurting China is not a win. The goal was supposed to be getting more jobs in the US by getting more things built in the US. moving this from China to another non US country does nothing to boost US based jobs.

I’d suggest they come and make them in Canada instead, far more stable Country.

The CEOs are taking a personal income hit?  BAHAHAHAHA!  You serious?  They’ll sooner cut more jobs than take a personal hit.  

I was going to google Ouya to make some jokes about that but then this happened and that’s good enough for me

Can’t wait for Trump and his supporters to respond that they should make the consoles in America if they don’t like the tariffs. 🙄

Imagined sample from memo draft: “In this tariff war current business climate, we may take a hit from larger tariffs new resource allocations may result in a higher cost for customers. Don’t leave us even though we voted for Trump and therefore this trade war We appreciate your loyalty to Trump and us confidence in

I fully expect a lot of impassioned speeches from people without the faintest clue of how manufacturing works.

Even the cabling infrastructure company I work for included a new tab on our P&Ls to customers about the increased cost of tariffs. Nice to know that our CEOs personal income may be hit after he nudged his employees in a letter to go vote for Trump in 2016.

If people don’t want to pay the tariff, they can buy one of the game consoles made right here in America, dammit!