Fastest car in the movie. Made it around the block between cars and onto other streets before they got to them AFTER being passed.
Fastest car in the movie. Made it around the block between cars and onto other streets before they got to them AFTER being passed.
Wrong model year, No vinyl roof, No hubcaps +++. They are gonna loose their ass trying to sell it a s a Bullitt Movie Charger
“and this one was owned by Bruce Willis and Jay Kay, which when added together, at least come close to matching the on-screen Steve McQueen.”
WAIT!! The guy who catches fish with a sharp hook through the cheek and then throws them back in the hopes of catching the same fish later with yet another sharp hook through the cheek is mad at the people who drive a Jeep over a fish because it might harm them or kill them? Am I reading this right?
Does VW know there are other colors in existence for interiors other than black?
It’s more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow.
zipper leg, firehose materialpants from Duluth Trading!!!
if you stare at the top picture long enough it starts to resemble a Volvo P1800. a little.
WELCOME.. To Fantasy Island. I am Mr. Rourke your host...
Is it wrong to say I feel sorry for the car, but not the owner.
nobody gives a shit but the tree huggers that bought them
When the 20year old inside you mind wants a Focus ST, BUT the reality is you”re 50+ with a family.
“Who’s the U-boat commander?”
how do i get a job running that fine piece of tech.