i saw that one too.. and the yellow hummer
i saw that one too.. and the yellow hummer
“what would it take to embrace self driving taxis?” you ask.... How about them existing and being on the roads .
Turn this into a lighter weight Bullet proof vest with the corrrect materials and the possibilities would be endless.
Green mean go
I don’t see a problem. Thats how much they spent fixing the car. it may have had body damage that had to be fixed before putting it on the lot.
now that image will be stuck in my collective for all eternity.. or until tomorrow.
Booking cop: “Miss.. can you look straight int.... oh never mind. Smile!”
The answer is simple. Place a charging unit on EVERY street light and or telephone pole with a credit card slot or PayPal/Android Pay receiver to charge the charging costs to the individuals electric bill they already receive for their home or apartment or personal business. There are some kinks to this concept but…
You’re wrong. It looks great. Brings back some style from bygone days.
what is a tirE INFILTRATOR?
no shit sherlock. What other Nostrodamus like predictions have you got for us. Water wet!, Fire burns!
sometimes your GIFs are visually nauseating. Really epileptic fit inducing visually nauseating. Just sayin’
The question should be What cars SHOULDN’T I buy?
Thats mighty white of them.
Lets Go Holbrook L/L. Jackson NJ
DUN DUN DUNNNN.. Its the Adventures of FLORIDA-MAN!!!
‘Florida man’ was not involved. Move along.