I think Pixar is missing one very important car/human. A 60's or 70's Mercury Cougar voiced by Sharon Stone.
I think Pixar is missing one very important car/human. A 60's or 70's Mercury Cougar voiced by Sharon Stone.
mid 70's Ford Torino.
In unrelated news: Nissan Altima Coupe designer recently hired by BMW
the car has no oil pressure, the alternator is failing (or the key is on and not running), both front doors are open, like ALL clapped out ricers, the check engine light is on (probably an O2 sensor), drivers not wearing his seat belt at 180kmh, and the anti-theft system isn’t reading the smart key. oh and the…
Its just soooo RiDONKulous
SAVED BY THE BELL did an ad for Pontiac?
or Florida
if this happened in the Oval office.. or where ever they were meeting, who on his staff knew about it, who reported it to the news. if it was that big of a deal why wouldnt they have kept it under their hat.
Gravy?? You mean spaghetti SAUCE, right?
The buyers of these will have Penis’ the size of bicycle tire valve stems. Their length will be equal to the width.
There needs to be 1 icon added to the main mapping screen. ‘find fuel” so you can just tap it and it can alert you to the nearest gas station regardless of price.. on your current route. quick, easy, eyes still on the road.
thats not a Milan its the Montego/Sable
bitches be jealous!
ALL the fans ought to chip in an send in $1 (Aus) to cover the fine for him. Keep the change, buy some tires.
have you ever tried to milk a weasel. Just look at that poor sap on the bike in Belgium. The marking on his forearm are proof enough no baseball bat was involved.
only took ‘10 MINUTE’ to get there
You’re opinion, Ralph.