
Even as someone who was never ‘super girly’ growing up, I probably would have dug the LEGO Friends, LEGO Elves, and LEGO Disney Princess stuff if they’d been around when I was a kid. I love the colors and details of those sets.

“According to the subpoena, Pompeo has until Oct 4 to produce the documents; if he doesn’t, the committee chairs wrote in their letter to Pompeo, they’ll consider it evidence of obstruction of the impeachment inquiry.”

So laughably corrupt.

Agreed. I used to work in a toy store, and it pained me when I’d see parents slap their son for wanting a Barbie. Most of the kids still went for gender-conforming toys, but boys that want dolls and ponies and girls who want action figures should be entitled to do so-- speaking as a kid who owned 50/50 action figures


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck? 

“So it’s gonna be the president of the United States in a conversation that was intercepted by a rotten snitch,”

Rotten snitch. Spy. Leaker.

Oh, good. Today I thought to myself, “I wonder what Geraldo thinks of all this?” Then I wondered, “Can I hit myself in the head and give myself amnesia?”

I sound way more harsh on season 5 in my original comment than I mean to be. As an individual season it’s probably my second favorite behind 3. It’s just that when I take a step back and look at it from the series as a whole I didn’t like it seemingly cancelling out the progress made the season before. I personally

Theater. Nothing else. You’re not going to learn anything about the candidates by watching them pivot questions from a moderator into what they want to talk about.

Does it count as political violence if I’d pay good money to see Andrew Yang thrown through a table from the top rope?

Yeah, I agree to an extent, but it was a combination of Bojack being in circumstances he can’t control (the night shoots on Philbert, the set design), mixed in with something he should have, but didn’t (the painkillers after the accident on set).

So, while it did suck to see him backtrack, there was a logical story

Well, it’s obvious that True Patriot, Rep. Andy Biggs, is the only one who is aware who the real evil culprit is in this whole scenario! The man truly has courage to point out this obvious crime against humanity while any Republican legislator with a lick of sense and/or self preservation is busy hiding in their

they’re all running interference because they put party before country.

A cheese popsicle sounds like an abomination, but “tastes like cheesecake” tips the scales in the other direction. A cheescake popsicle sounds delightful.

He paid to have sex with your mom.

to talk about “civility in politics”

Back when my act was “hockey player”, Candy Blades was my stripper name.

He must feel a kinship with Trump in that they’re both dumbfucks who think their words at fancy dinners with friends won’t get out to the public.