
I agree, they’re terrible and they’re overpriced, every story I see about them losing money gives me a little schadenfreude because all they had to do was improve quality or lower prices and they instead dump another stupid item on the menu.

Mike, I have bad news about the frosting.

That creme doesn’t fill them by itself. I’ll see myself out...

The length of a movie today seems like a statement of significance, like the film has so much to say that it requires a long running time.

Yeah, movies ARE way too long. How can I binge Friends if I have to sit through a 2.5 hour movie? 

Some movies are too long.

They may  have flubbed the interpretation of one of Obama’s high points but their comparison of the Tea Party to the Talibanana was spot on.

Can we impeach Nancy? 

She is so right. This will only upset the Republicans, who have shown themselves to be thoughtful, dedicated partners in steering the ship of state, and potentially turn off Republican voters, who are clearly considerate and open-minded and almost assuredly would vote for the best person and not just the member of

Maybe we should ask about her resignation instead?

Hey Nancy! Crazy possibility, maybe they are asking because there are a lot of people out there very interested in the subject. Just a thought.

Virtua Fighter 2 for the Genesis ending up on the “Virtua Fighter 2 For The Genesis Tier” may be the biggest given since Lou Gehrig coming down with Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Same with sonic 1 and 2

Still kind of bummed that this doesn’t include a 6 button controller for the U.S. release. That and Jurassic Park. But when this thing gets hacked I’ll be all in regardless. But say what you will about this monstrosity (which I proudly had in my room), it definitely had the definitive version of NBA Jam: TE for the

Well, then this console truly replicates the original Genesis experience!

Listening to him speak, I swear I can feel brain cells die. It’s like his words are targeted strikes on intelligence. More and more, many people are saying it *uncontrollable eyelid twitch*

Sounds like it’s an homage to Colonel Klink. Werner Klemperer was a survivor of Auschwitz, and only took the roll on the condition that the Nazis be made as ridiculously incompetent as possible. Taiki himself is of Jewish heritage.

There’s that great Lindsay Ellis video essay which notes that modern day Nazis have appropriated cultural representation that was intended to be critical of them, such as singing “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” from Cabaret and unironically hero-worshipping Edward Norton in American History X and Hans Landa in Inglourious

“Take away the jokes and Airplane! is just another basic, unoriginal disaster movie.”