
I believe the modern term is teabagged. 

I mean, that is how it goes right? That is Nationalism for you.

And it is that .1% of the 46% that will fuck up so, so, so very much with their violence.

Grow up.

Americans have too much to lose to want to die to remove / preserve a president who tweets dumb shit.

Kill yourself.

Troll responds to Tomato.

Pelosi, too, amirite BO? 


Right? How did this not explode into a colossal scandal? How is that not the singular thing in the news right now because he did the thing live on TV.

Better than rage shitting from the tweeter. 

Unrelated, but I kinda want to hear Trump attempt to pronounce Azerbaijan. 

Golf idiom is on the nose for Trump. 

I believe it is two dead, last I heard on OPB.

Wow, does he even want to be president anymore?

Yep. And as a former huge fan of zombies (going back to teenage years watching Romero films), I am fine with it fading. It lost the allegorical aspect of what Zombies were and became schlock. I look forward to it getting back to its roots...

Second, I believe.

Religion is bullshit. Toss off the yoke and think for yourself.

I feel like this was given the go-ahead a few years ago before Walking Dead took a ratings nosedive. Now it it has me asking “Who is going to watch this?” because the Dead shows are just old hat now.