
It wasn’t ever promised, you dolt. A piece by 60 Minutes from the ‘80s isn’t a scientific study and likely played more for ratings than reality. That being said, it is going to be a reality to some degree in the future as it stands anyhow, so hey, they had it kinda right.

Leading and legislating are different and a Senator is going to have more of both than a businessman, simply because the government is not the same as a business. Period.

Climate apartheid will be reality. And spoiler alert: the rich and powerful can’t wait.

Thank you, professor. Glad you can chime in with your decades of accumulated scientific research to school us all on how we are just overreacting to climate change.

More like “No Ninja, No Ninja, no Ninja NO! ...please no more of this horrible bullshit.”

I know, I know. I try to pretend SotO didn’t happen... for obvious reasons.

You can survive a fall. You can’t survive a trash compactor.

Two words:

Party that doesn’t believe in facts continues to not believe facts.

Same people who believe Christian Mythology is real. So is this shocking? 

Can we just mention how that was straight-up murder, btw? 

Obama committed a worse sin by far than just swearing. Never forget!

Yeah, that is obvious now. 

This is actually exactly what he wants. He desperately wants this to devolve into an actual fight, so he can use martial law to stay in power and shut down everyone coming for him. When someone invariables does take a shot at a Democrat, he will do what he did with the bomber dude - pretend he didn’t say anything

lol nah. It was put in place to give power to slave states to maintain their institution. It is archaic and undermines the will of the voter by giving more power to empty land than to actual voters.

Can we do that without that whole world war thing though?

Who said that?

I read this in Princess Carolyn’s voice.

Don’t forget who you are dealing with. These people are likely to believe that shit. 

Yes, a businessman-turned-politician. The same thing we have now, right? Working great!