My dear, sweet brother Numsie!

But part of the attacks in Paris specifically targeted a soccer match.

I only paid $35, so he obviously likes me better.

Norman Reedus is my best friend. Well, really good friend. He said hello to me and put his arm around my waist. Behind my back really. I’m sure he’d say hello to me again if I ever ran into him. And, you know, paid another $40 to have my picture taken with him at Con. BFFs for-eva!

it’s becoming more open to models of all genders but not familiar enough to know that a cheap joke about an ostensibly trans or gender fluid person’s genitalia is retrograde bitchassness.

This is terrible. Glad I did all of my raving in the relative safety of abandoned airfields and strip malls.

You contradicted yourself, and made my point for me.

Probably wondering why she didn’t take the barest precautions like finding out if a day care was licensed or not.

Lol, I actually enjoy that dress very much. But I can see how others may not.

How about you wait and see if he does a better job than you before you cry to HR about the patriarchy.

I’m constantly amazed by the stuff my boyfriend can not find in our home, where we have lived for just over two years. Mostly, it’s individual kitchen items, like a cheese grater or potato ricer. When he asks me, I say “You should know where it is. You live here, too, you know.” He then complains that we keep things

Because crazy people worship at the altar of Rousey. Someone took down their god and they’ll want to see her punished. I think it’s about time.

I’m not sure about the photoshopping. Kim had probably taken off her waist trainer a minute before, and her body looks great, but reasonably so?

Holm has barely an inch on Rousey and they weigh in the same pound for pound. How hard is it to just say Holm won on the merits?

Please show me when 2 boxers are grinding each other on the floor. I’ll be here all night.

She behaves like a toddler.

I cried over Eddie but I full on ugly cried with snot over Jake and Oy. That entire book had me a hot ass mess.

Oh Oy. I hope there is another world where Oy is still alive with Jake.

I started reading the last Dark Tower book and would take it to work to read on my breaks. Bad bad idea. I'm sure everyone got sick of me crying during lunch over it.

I forget where I read it, but an article came across my Twitter feed some weeks ago that said reading stimulates the same parts of your brain that light up when you see friends and family. It makes so much sense. No wonder we get attached and then cry our eyes out over them.

It looks like that is what Rob expected, full insurance. The shop decided to save the extra bucks.