You should investigate a dictionary, bro.
It’s quick and yummy, you can add other spices, or fancy onions, or garlic, or that extra fancy half onion half garlic tasting thing... But I like it best as straight onion and cheese.
Pasta carbonara sounds delicious. Save some for me!
If you’ve got the ‘roni- I’ll send you my leftover cheese sauce. We can do this. We have the technology.
Mmmm, roasted chicken beasts sound good. I only just discovered the wonder that is Great Value Poultry Seasoning this month. I feel like my life has had no meaning.
Yes, puckx3. I would say those peppers make up for it. But cheese and crackers is a valid supper, so you’re in fact going above and beyond with those heavenly units.
Day old pizza from a chain. It was better fresh.
That’s a great idea! *cut and pasted* I love the idea of switching out some of the less healthy ingredients in my meals, but am too scared to try it very often. And egg can be a toughie to mimic.
I’m soaking black beans for rice and beans tomorrow.
I overspent at the cheese store
That. Looks. Spectacular.
I need to know of this onion cheese sauce
I’ve been cooking and cleaning all day =)