DJ Jazzy Jeff Mangum

"The new series was originally set to bow in January," Is "set to bow" a turn of phrase that people use? I don't think I've ever heard it. Is it nautical?

I mean a civil defamation suit probably isn't the biggest threat to a guy who already owes hundreds of millions to various banks and organizations throughout the globe, but seeing him dragged through the courts would be good clean fun for everyone.

The National and Ted Leo? I hope they're serving some strong black coffee. I kid, I kid. Kinda.

Dunno, I was too busy playing all kinds of coed naked sports.

Can you fly, Billy?

Eh, I just haven't forgiven Putin for stealing Bob Kraft's Super Bowl ring.

Well, Putin is running a kleptocracy and routinely murdering his critics while committing what might be considered war crimes in Syria, so maybe we don't buddy up the Kremlin right now.

Ewan McGregor's Wardrobe provided by Johnny Depp

Like "Stacey Title".

Well, probably the latter, but at least "eh" and "yeah" tend to only cap sentences and aren't sprinkled liberally throughout them.

That's generous, I think it's more "I haven't thought through what I'm saying and need time for my brain to catch up to my mouth."

Better than the most common American vocal tic: inserting "like" between every goddamn word.

And even most Bostonians don't talk like Southie trash.

"That's all folks!"

Awhile ago, a bunch of white scientists tried to teach a computer to identify beauty by giving it examples of beautiful women, but the scientists had to choose the examples and chose mostly white ladies, so naturally the computer associated white with beautiful. So good luck when they start putting in pictures of what

Well, there are some bad apples, like those crumbbums in internal affairs!

That's the worst beard I've ever seen.

I'd watch Refn's Last Airbender, couldn't be worse than the last one.

The point?

To be fair, Chelsea also worked for a horrible vulture capital firm.