I think it should be an essay rather than an interview, because these supposed professional comedians are not too funny off the cuff, apparently.
I think it should be an essay rather than an interview, because these supposed professional comedians are not too funny off the cuff, apparently.
Probably shouldn't have referred to it as "a popular pastime among humans" either.
While Pepfar was, in my opinion, the among only worthwhile things that W accomplished, it hijacked to a large degree by moral crusaders who insisted that 1/2 to 1/3 of funds be used for abstinence only education that has been repeated shown to be ineffective.
I wish Harrelson's dad would pull a "Maximum John" on Trump and Cruz.
As a Northerner, I didn't realize that southerners were expected to like salad's disgusting cousin.
Oh jeez, I could use a trigger warning before you mention springs1. I'm still traumatized from the capitalization.
Still, who's never seen one?
It's the "Empire" of plays. YMMV.
He was, indeed. Kiss more boys than Lisa ever will too.
I dunno, I got cancerAIDS from a firstie here, and wasn't nearly as exciting as that play would have you believe.
William Sanderson wouldn't steer you wrong.
I can go as high as an A&W.
I imagine Hamilton is good, maybe even great, but the play would have to bring the dead back to life, cure cancer, baldness, and find your lost keys to live up to the hype that surrounds it.
Frogurt from Lost!
I just wish that the Hulkster and AJ Daulerio could sit down in a room together and hash out their differences like adults.
Maybe it's not a ghost but some sort of demon or elemental spirit? The Arch-Mage would probably know more about it.
I'm just not a Van Halen guy.
I personally would have preferred "Gate to the Underworld" over "Gate to Hell" for Plutonium.