
“ZL1. Z28. Z51. ZR2. ZR1. Z71. Z06. Z24"

If Chevy could somehow not put the Chevy name on their cars, that would probably help with the resale value.

Welcome Mack!

Anyone who’s interested.....

What in the hell is going on in these comments? What has Jalopnik become? Porsche is bringing an uncorked 919 to the Nordschleife just for the kicks. That’s awesome!

*180 degrees

The boat inverts and acts like the top shell of a luggage carrier. The other stuff collapses to fit inside.

Toyota were a little late to the Car/camper with the 1972 RV-2 so decided on some 1970's style gratuitous nudity to get more likes.

The British VC-10 was like that as well:

If it were left stock, it might have been owned by a 70-year-old and meticulously dealer maintained, but once you throw rimzz into the picture everything else is suspect.

I enjoyed watching Lebron toy with his Son Demar and Kyles team.

The ‘adverse effect on national security’ is simply an underhand means to impose tariffs without breaking WTO rules.

and if you really want to drive the point home, I would intentionally be redundant, but don’t run.

I think it’s intentional, to drive the point home.

his mother was a mudder

The next step and only solution.

I don’t think that is true sir

Yeah, that’s not that bad of a wreck really.

Pretty mundane crash. Just fiberglass tearing off.

Oh, please. The “real” vehicle (engine, wheels, cage) appears as intact as the driver. All it did was shed its skin.