
1997 Ford Aerostar AWD - More dependable than a first marriage.

You know what I think could really revitalize Brazil and its several metro areas? The Olympics. Just think about the job opportunities and infusion of cash...would be welcomed with open arms, I’d bet.

I get you but I don’t think this is a typical HPDE. It looked like the guy checked his mirrors and his surroundings before getting out. I think he took a calculated risk to possibly endanger himself to try and reduce the chances that more cars would fly into that situation unable to stop with the hopes of preventing

oh boo hoo....

Why is there one of these on EVERY Jalop article? It is NEWS and will show up on an auto NEWS site. It is 100% your fault for going to this site on race day and expecting not to hear race NEWS. And no, they don’t have to make non-spoiling headlines to protect your poor innocent eyes. It is up to you to exercise a

“Man with four balls can’t walk.” except in baseball...

I’m reminded of an ancient proverb..... “Man with four balls can’t walk.”

Playing devils advocate here, but this is a training and attitudes issue that’s been made worse by the media and non-aviation community’s involvement.

It definitely does that. We’ve had ours for a couple years and it’s only ever needed the basic oil changes (24K miles so far). It’s been absolutely solid in the reliability department with no signs of that changing at all. While I have my issues with the ergonomics of the thing, mechanically it’s absolutely sound.

I have a 2015 and honestly in normal use you never notice it.

They don’t need to, the people that buy these don’t drive manual. They want a car that looks like it belongs in a parking lot with 3-series and will have Toyota reliability.

For anyone interested but too lazy to gew-gul it... Wikipedia page

That’s assuming he wants to redeem himself to his inmates.

Maybe he wants more cars built here, despite many cars being built here already? With the right conditions (and his tax plan includes a better corporate tax rate) it might make sense. Keep this blind anti Trump attitude in.... I don’t know..... Every other gawkerverse site.

You sure? That scenery is so flat and featureless that it may just appear that way.

Its the rules of the world record

there but for the grace of god go i

Good to see Ray Rice back at work.

PHEV’s get you the range and refuelling rate of gas vehicles, with the city/commuting mileage of an electric vehicle. How is that “worst of both worlds”? I’d much sooner consider a PHEV than a full electric or non-plugin hybrid.

Hmm, I say neigh to that but she will have to pony up at the impound lot and besides horseplay is dangerous, she could have bought the farm and it’s true... I read about it in a Gallop Poll