it could make sense, but i'm still convinced the Japanese are bad with english titles.
it could make sense, but i'm still convinced the Japanese are bad with english titles.
it makes sense, 'cause the story will be about Aogiri tree...
Tokyo Ghoul √A
wow. great cosplay! lol
you can check out some gameplay videos if you want to "try" it first. from my personal POV Shovel Knight has every thing i loved about Megaman: level design, end level bosses (other knights), special powers to unlock, jumping, shooting energy balls! :D
strangely enough, the best megaman game l've played in years, is called " Shovel Knight".
Leo the British voice guy is doing something similar! :D
i got Donny Darko vibes from this trailer. excellent!
lo so! è per questo che ho assunto che fosse un secondo nome. ^^
told ya! I didn't even know it was not a second name!
'cause i said korean celebrities instead of korean people? i'm referring to celebrities famous mainly in Korea which can include people from other countries, too.
xD right! i'm bad with second names ^^'
don't want to be racist, but the Korean celebrities are made using the same character creation system from these games.
opening or ending credits, they all must be skippable.
It's true. I can confirm from personal experience. I got more street passes one week in Tokyo than I got in 3 years in Europe.
i'm using Chrome browser anche there is this extension called Hola! which allows you to change your country :)
I wouldn't want anyone watching me while I played.
now, imagine if they did well and made a game out of the show! :'D