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    You're largely right — but look up black-body radiation. Radiation that is absorbed must be stored or reradiated, and in the long term the only option is reradiation, since nothing has infinite heat-storage capacity. Of course, you don't need to reradiate it as a black-body heat spectrum, but doing that requires yet

    Maybe they used a really really big refrigerator laser as their primary propulsion system! (It's more plausible than gravity manipulation: if you have *that* you have spacetime manipulation, which means you have godtech: time travel and genuine FTL aren't much harder. You also have some truly terrifying weapons which

    Maybe they used a really really big refrigerator laser as their primary propulsion system! (It's more plausible than gravity manipulation: if you have *that* you have spacetime manipulation, which means you have godtech: time travel and genuine FTL aren't much harder. You also have some truly terrifying weapons which

    This was, of course, an in-universe design feature. It was in *both* the Vorlons' and the Shadows' interests that the lesser races panic and flee when Shadow ships appear — in the Vorlons' case because they might survive if they do that, in the Shadows' case because panic and fear makes it more likely they'll fight

    This was, of course, an in-universe design feature. It was in *both* the Vorlons' and the Shadows' interests that the lesser races panic and flee when Shadow ships appear — in the Vorlons' case because they might survive if they do that, in the Shadows' case because panic and fear makes it more likely they'll fight

    Yes, whenever JMS wanted anything to be portentuous, he doubled his lines.

    Yes, whenever JMS wanted anything to be portentuous, he doubled his lines.

    This would be plausible if it wasn't so clearly a great big jewel box with a great big jewel inside. If it looked like a mound of dirt or something, hiding in plain sight would work. This… doesn't, not even by the standards of a show that took 'talking about classified matters in public places and nobody can hear

    This would be plausible if it wasn't so clearly a great big jewel box with a great big jewel inside. If it looked like a mound of dirt or something, hiding in plain sight would work. This… doesn't, not even by the standards of a show that took 'talking about classified matters in public places and nobody can hear

    Agreed. Myth-arc hero and all, but still. Of course it has nothing to do with planetary-mass egotism, it's just *coincidence* that every commander of B5 (other than one we see very briefly in _Sleeping in Light_) shares JMS's initials.

    Agreed. Myth-arc hero and all, but still. Of course it has nothing to do with planetary-mass egotism, it's just *coincidence* that every commander of B5 (other than one we see very briefly in _Sleeping in Light_) shares JMS's initials.

    Even that major storyline is less terrible when you consider it an example of

    Even that major storyline is less terrible when you consider it an example of

    (SPOILER of course.)

    (SPOILER of course.)

    Yep. We get to see a Vree, once. They're greys. :)

    Yep. We get to see a Vree, once. They're greys. :)

    Yeah, it's extremely unfortunate that you have to do rather clever transcoding work to get scenes with CGI in to merely 'blurry'. Among other hilarities, the CGI scenes are interlaced, the non-CGI is not! So if you do the obvious thing and just deinterlace the lot you severely damage the quality of the non-CGI, which

    Yeah, it's extremely unfortunate that you have to do rather clever transcoding work to get scenes with CGI in to merely 'blurry'. Among other hilarities, the CGI scenes are interlaced, the non-CGI is not! So if you do the obvious thing and just deinterlace the lot you severely damage the quality of the non-CGI, which

    If that's actually true, there must have been a quite remarkable collection of coincidences. Even the characters' *names*, for pity's sake.