
what’s funny is that no one is talking about this picture.

Kinda with you on this. Trashy, yes. Rapey, not really.

Then again I went to a commuter college in the city with no Greek life, so maybe these places are all automatically rape factories. IDK. #probablymostfrats

Re: your last paragraph:

I do not want to trivialize the experiences of other commenters, but it should be made clear that—when you’re living it—there’s a colossal gulf between sleeping in your car or a friend’s basement and having truly nowhere to go.

Other Random Women Who Call Themselves Experts and tell other women how to talk, act, dress. I don’t want a man to tell me what to do and I don’t want another woman to either. So fuck off mother fucker. JUST stop with the micromanagement of words and thoughts. Just stop. Fucking assholes. Police your own damn selves.

If you’re moving an Origin game, the steps are very similar, but just a tad simpler:

I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing

My “All Female, One Male” vault nearly went to Hell when we were unable to cure Stacy of her “Hulkamania”, thankfully those girls were unbreakable and continue to push forward, I’m flirting with letting the boys we send off into the wild each get a night in the vault if they bring back something good but I don’t want

LA resident with one of my bridesmaids as a senior, non creative, business operations executive there for a few years, though recently departed for another major label in an extremely senior role there. At her wedding everyone spoke to her patience, her ability to be a mommy manager to everyone, including strangers on

It sets my teeth on edge when people say that a woman like Amoruso is “the feminist for Millennials” because she’s brash and flashy and successful. I do not belittle her success, but let’s be honest here: she’s a person who with lots of hard work, yes, but also lots of help, and lots of luck, rose to the top. Also,

No comment on the catty behavior, but I think the clothing line is very trashy.

That actually looks really funny, hope it’s released internationally.

I really don’t get the whole collective praising of Witcher 3. Like, I honestly don’t get where people are coming from saying it’s somehow amazingly good.

Oh, I’ve seen it. I just missed that reference, haha. Batman vs Wolverine as magicians is one of my favorites.

Also, please remember that your little darling’s emotional maturity is paramount to you but not to the rest of the populace. Please feel free to perform steps 1-5 somewhere other than in the doorway to the restaurant, at the control panel of the elevator or in the middle of the airport walkway.

“The incident happened my junior year at Columbia, when Paul followed me upstairs at a party, came into a room with me uninvited, closed the door behind us, and grabbed me. I politely said, “Hey, no, come on, let’s go back downstairs.” He didn’t listen. He held me close to him as I said no, and continued to pull me

One day, in Greenland, Cap found the perfect axe. That was the day he became... AXE CAP!!

This is very Slate-y.

ugh. hell no. that voice. THAT VOICE