
You're crazy, Burt. As a lifelong Californian (avocado tree in the back yard. And a lemon tree, too), Chipotle's guacamole is the best fast-food avocado thing out there. It's not homemade, but it's pretty close. And Chipotle overall isn't bad.

I read this "account" of DashCon and some kids were like "a bunch of us locked ourselves in bathroom stalls, crying and having panic attacks" and I admit it, I laughed pretty hard.

Tip 1: don't hire out an expensive hotel to hold something like this.

Not that there's any real reason, but I wonder if this 3D embeddable model will work in the comments:

Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(

"If dealerships are taken out of the equation, Obama will steal your 1995-model desktop PC, and no amount of pursuing checkmark boxes will be able to stop him! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!"

Right, I had my dinner and came back to finish a much more respectful and interesting discussion with someone else on a related topic to find this:

I can't be the only one whose first thoughts were "great, now Twitch might be less ugly and more functional".

Sources close to Ellen say she is 'stoked as hell' over this news.

"The problem I have with the new film series is that I just can't look past how perfect Tobey Maguire was as Spider-Man in the original series."

People who like Toby Maguire as Spider-Man haven't read a Spider-Man comic in the last 40 years.

You thought Tobey Maguire was perfect?

Now playing

Gotta love how Fillion owns up to and sometimes revels in his geekiness!

It would take a really awful day for me to say "Aw crap" out loud when patients do this. But I always think it.

Sorry dude. It's a lame MMO with Elder Scrolls features tacked on. It's not for the hardcore crowd of *either* genre of game.

You're typing all of my thoughts, and for this, I salute you!

Honestly, if I hadn't signed up for the beta with my real email addy, I'd give you my beta account so you could try it. I went from curious to disgust in about two days.

No, no it's not. If it took 1 step forward from Skyrim, it took about 7 steps back.

I'll play a decent MMO from time to time... but this isn't even a decent MMO.