
You mean Morty, right?

Now playing

So after the last episode where Cubert crashes, and we follow his escape attempt, he ends up at Marceline’s place. And it looks a little different. She has Finn and Jake’s diving bell on her front step, and Candy Kingdom awnings on the house.

Thank you, Whiston.

lol. I can’t tell the difference between any of the comparison shots... know...don’t get married.

Ha! Satirical revenge and...such...and,um....

Nobody thinks Subway is healthy. Not really. And if you think the sandwiches taste bad, you’re ordering wrong.

I’ve been spoiled by Meraki...

Wonderful. Ya know...I’m actually on your side here. I don’t give a damn about Gamergate. I think equality is awesome and should be a given. But here’s what I got from this article;

Eww, Orbitz...

I grew up poor.

Wait...I’m confused....

You let him hit you with a status ailment?! Are you kidding me?

No, the man really was a child molester.


Damnit, man. You’re being reasonable and thoughtful about this. Makes it hard to be a hyperbolic ass about it.'s at this point that, and I'm not sure if this is overly liberal or overly conservative, but more than likely offensive,...establishing an financial idiocy department for the government, where either a highly complex algorithm or an entire mass of trained financial advisers lay out these people's budgets for

Correction: Everything is a problem to somebody. Grow the fuck up and stop complaining about everything that makes you uncomfortable. This isn’t fucking tumblr.

EVERY day I see an article where women are trying to complain about their experiences and issues that they face, a SWARM of women complaining about things -mostly men- flooding the comments with the same crap. It doesn’t matter if you or anyone else you know doesn’t do it, I’m still going to talk like all men are