
Yeah, that's not Russel Brand's humor though. I've seen the man's act before, and that's a very watered down, trying to hard version of it. Of course it has to be a bit tamer for a national audience as a TV commercial, but that's just my point...he shouldn't have done it.

The two are not necessarily intertwined. One could be a shill, and happen to be a "starred" commentator.

My god...these are freaking awful. Seriously, I can't be the only one, can I?

@geolemon: How the hell do you buy anything on ebay? 90% of searches are "DO NOT BID! BUY MY BOOK TO GET THIS FOR FREE!!1!!1!" It's spam central. How can you tolerate it?

That's my used game store! It's about two miles from my house. I love that place. I bought both my old Genesis units there.

I don't need to Google this, and neither should you.

FYI, training words into the iPhone via the Safari google search bar no longer seems to work. "Hon" is still "Jon". Shut, he'll, etc, etc.

So I was going to totally lay into this guy...but I checked my e-mail first and found a message from my father. My father, a successful business man, who for some unknown reason cannot write for the life of him. And it sounds remarkably similar to this.

Love it!

@the dog x2: Well...technically, I'm not wrong. Yes, there is a difference between studying Quantum Theory, and studying Theoretical Quantum Theory. Though it is a bit of a misnomer. Theoretical Quantum Mechanics would have been more apt.

@Jaredu: Stuck as a human too, huh?

Alright, just to clarify some stuff.

@alek2407: How could you test it?

@Zubieta: Because Quantum Entanglement deals with both time and space, those two particles are connected in a way we do not understand. (e.g. it doesn't matter where or when either particle is stimulated, as they exist simultaneously.)

She is freaking adorable.

@Rabid Chipmunk: Yes. This is the concept. This is the singularly awesome thing here...

@dwdrums: You clearly have not read the article.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Yeah, I know. Hence my comment; "They'd take a hell of a hit financially." I'm aware of the reprecussions of my proposal.