
I'm from the Netherlands where a large majority of people bike every day. I've never come across this level of snobbishness towards other people's choices in bikes. It seems it's very common here in the US though among the urban cyclists to obsess about all components of the bike.

You are all wrong, I believe. I am 95% sure that what popped out there was the driveshaft from the van. I think he heard a pop, and started to pull to the right. As he did, the driveshaft dropped down, got caught under his wheels, and spit it out at the camera car. So, he did not stop suddenly, he could not move. Most

Today I learned that it is "Dr." Jamie Condliffe

Well then, steer clear of .international or .construction.

What do you mean, isn't a quickly flashing gif a perfect way to demonstrate the individual letters? Do you want some type of archaic static list of images that you can actually look at for more than a split second? What kind of weirdo are you?

I'd rather have this so-called income benefit than a bunch of bullshit about cereal in my News Feed.

LOL. I was joking and it wasn't me?

I know it's not actual Playmobil, but "adorable hand-painted figurines on a whimsical gameboard" wouldn't fit.

I'm sorry, did you just suggest that Douglas Adams wouldn't recognize the pointlessness of something?

Archiving is an important part of my email workflow, which isn't based on any particular method- it's been a gradual evolution over the last few years.

These features are coming soon!

Remind me of this.

Agreed! AGREEEEEEEEEED! Though I'd point out, the "global warming is a myth" camp is all too happy to use that line of thinking to push its own political agenda as well.

count the frames you lazy @$$!

If I had the extra to spend, I would hire a maid service to come about once a week or every two weeks. I'm pretty good about keeping basic stuff like the kitchen and bathroom in some semblance order, but it'd be nice to shift some of that to an expert. Along with all the dusting and long-term cleaning.

We have both and I love them for different reasons. But, gun to my head, I'm a dog person. I like big dogs that I can play with and roll around in the dirt with. I like the smell of wet dog. Dogs pick up on the emotions of different members of our family and are always trying to take care of us.

TL;DR <- that's the problem right there! :D