
I had to do that for most systems, as they were beyond repair. It was much easier to just nuke the computer and reinstall from scratch. Then I would lock the damn thing down.

Well there’s so much drama in the LGA, it’s kind hard getting help from the MTA. But they — somehow, some way — keep walking up with spinny-ass bags like every single day.

Aside from assisting photography, there are some seriously interesting applications for this type of sensor. Imagine an app that can scan a room while you turn the camera around and give you an accurate 3 model of said room? Conversely, this could improve 3D mapping of objects for 3D printing. That exists now in smart

I love mine, but you’re right, if a tdi option were available I would’ve bought it

It helps that those old Saab hoods are really easy to remove—just take out two bolts, disconnect the windshield washer hose and lift it off. With mine, if I had a helper I might put a blanket on the car roof and keep the hood there while I was working, but otherwise I could usually lean it against the wall.

This comment reads as if you somehow know of Jalopnik but never actually read the articles. 

I thought ‘Timely’ was a unique descriptor for the transmission, considering it’s a manual. I mean, it shifts when you shift it. 

While the article does use a picture of a Tesla, China also has an incredibly large number of EV manufacturers, of which many are probably of very questionable quality. So while the Tesla did get a lot of attention, I am sure there are a lot more Chinese EV fires than what we hear about. So perhaps in China it does

I legit teared up when I realized what it was. I’d only played MS Flight Sim X casually back in the day, but apparently it had a much greater impact on me than I realized.

I have a pump-spray bottle. You put the oil in it, pump the little lever a few times to build air pressure, then depress the button and it sprays out the oil. It works a bit like a mini Super Soaker.

I’ve long expected more from Star Trek than it’s able to give. I think you’re dead right about this but I also think the show runners for Star Trek have other ideas.

Oh snap.

If you’re not inspired by SpaceX landing 2 boosters simultaneously, that’s your own problem you need to figure out.

At least it won’t get confused with a Buick Skylark.

To be honest, I don’t have strong feelings about this either way. So here’s a dog balancing on a chain.

Now playing

I could not confirm that subcategories of Oscar films like “Best Editing” are voted on only by members of the Academy that are also editors; it was my understanding that while that may be true of some of the technical awards and some of the sub-branches (like documentaries) that the Academy doesn’t want to recognize

I honestly think the best automatic for manual people is an electric car with heavy regenerative braking.

I assume training will be the answer and the below modifications to the instruments that Southwest added last year. I haven’t found out whether or not this has been added to other 737 Max 8 planes here in the states. 

Seriously, the behavior of these Tesla drivers is shocking

Neat idea but I don’t know that the screen warning will be enough to stop someone from smashing your window or calling police on you. Maybe the DRL’s should be on as well?