
That's a hot fucking deal right there. Writing it into my prenup as we speak

Kindle Candle

This is the main reason I'm using Google Hangouts instead of iMessages. I have it installed on my Macbook Pro, my work PC, my iPad, and my Android phone. All different platforms, but works flawless between all of them.

The biggest tip I can give you is to practice intermittent fasting. Not just twice a week as advised in the 5-2 model. Turns out humans are really good at handling starvation - and all that bullshit about it ruining your metabolism is just wives tales.

You can issue commands to your Tesla to warm or cool the cabin while its plugged in, which uses "shore power" versus wasting battery power you could be using to move the vehicle.

In order to have the "majority" of your income taxed at the top marginal rate, you would have to make at least 814K a year in taxable income as as singe person or 900K as a married couple, after all deductions. If you're making that much, good for you. Pretty good time to be doing it too, when marginal tax rates

Someone going through a stack of business cards on their desk: "What the hell is a 'GHNGSCER'?"

People were declaring that business cards were dead? Excuse me, but until technology permits us to send an emails and make vcards and the like that have tasteful thickness and a watermark, it ain't never gonna happen.

Yeah, I suppose at

17. Yea Verily He Spoketh to His disciples and said "Ye shall have a fortnight to prepare the vessel that my presence shall inhabit forevermore, or I shall give this task unto another and cast you into the outer darkness to work as exiles among the Philistines at Microsoft and Google where there is much weeping and

Samantha is a He?

And they're dominating in torches and bike lights. I've got a great set of lights on my bike, which use LEDs, charge via USB, and last hours between charges.

And I thought Smartwatches were unwieldy. That thing has a full fledged dome!

Usually the parking lots are small enough to be lit by the store lights, at least in the case of 7-11.

Now playing

I am a little disappointed I didn't see this in the comments yet.

You are supposed to say something self effacing like "But i have much better taste in partners' than she does" and then we'd be like "OH YOU."

Man, well said. I was one of the folks who couldn't access HBO GO last night, and you know what? I'm fine.

The lack of a better explanation (or at least one that you, as an individual, can understand) does not prove the existence of any god (let alone the Abrahamic one) and does not make atheism illogical. Non sequitur, it does not follow. Science and religion are not connected in the way you think they are, that proof of

With you up until the "Dre has no musical talent" bit. Dre is musically talented. I worked with him on a track years ago on adding orchestra. I do not work with rap artists normally but this was a favour to one of his friends (I didn't know it'd be Dre when I agreed.) He had a clear and distinct vision of what the