
They aren’t working anymore, due to power limitations.

How corrupt is their building department to issue construction permits on a building with no restrooms?

For a second I thought you were talking about the *owner’s* manual, which is often included digitally in the infotainment system. In that case a touchscreen is a nice feature.

I suppose I can see that point of view. If touchscreen is easier/safer for you, then it’s the better option for you, for sure.

Why must they get rid of the little wheel thing in the center console? That’s one of the things I really appreciate in my wife’s S3. I drive a golf and have to live with the touchscreen on the dash - awkwardly prodding at it while driving is no fun.

As you join a meeting, there’s an option to make a test call. It will also record your audio and play it back for you. See below:

I also drive a regular car and it gets real annoying in snow season when you’re stuck eating wake from jacked up trucks and SUVs everywhere you go. God forbid you leave any room in front of you, either, because someone will just come along and take it.

EVs with one-pedal driving will engage the brake lights above a certain deceleration threshold; although not exactly the same as engine braking it is similar.

Oh, no argument there. The original Leaf is dorky as hell. But there’s 400,000 of them out there.

The S really put “mass market EV” on the map. The 3 allowed way more people to visit that place on the map, but the S put it there.

They do exist in the US (although not the diesels AFAIK). When I was younger, a friend of mine’s mom had a manual Caravan. Another friend’s mom had a manual Previa.

I do this as well. I’ve sold a couple of (sub-$1000 beater) cars with success using this tactic. In this case “I know what I’ve got” means I know the skeletons in the car’s closet and have already priced it accordingly.

Believe it or not, the wife and I actually test drove the Dart back when it was new. We were cross-shopping it against the Focus ST.

Seconded. I’m always fighting off stray coyotes on my way to work.

This is a silly description of the 2010s. Any reasonable reference to the “teens” will never include the year 2020 for the same reason that no one would consider 1950 to be in the 40s.

Yeah for sure. I don’t think the current machines have enough energy storage for a full workday (yet). Being able to run on shore power would be very helpful.

We are starting to see more, larger battery electric construction equipment nowadays too. Of course scissor lifts have been around for a while, but now companies are building skid-steers, and other stuff that’s handy for indoor construction. They have these cool little spider cranes (I forget the company) that were

Drill batteries are usually advertised in amp-hours. An 18V, 6AH battery would be 108WH capacity. So, 1000 recharges.

Suburban neighborhoods are terrible for pedestrians. The whole cul-de-sac street layout is just a horribly inefficient design. It’s only benefit is being able to pack more people/houses into an area while minimizing the amount of traffic passing by the houses to let everyone feel like they live in a ‘quiet’