How does range correlate to the size of the motor? Would you say the same about a Focus RS, with a barely 250 mile tank range?
How does range correlate to the size of the motor? Would you say the same about a Focus RS, with a barely 250 mile tank range?
And for anyone who’s driven a golf cart, one-pedal driving is going to be completely intuitive and I would guess quite useful in a city.
Could be the electric motor’s rated speed with the gearing provided. Doesn’t say anything about the acceleration profile, honestly.
So, in order to avoid jeopardizing their contract, they knowingly falsify data in a way that Amazon, a technology company, can easily and obviously detect.
Yup - There’s really a lot of energy in the battery cells as it approaches full charge. It’s definitely good from a chemistry (and not setting things on fire) standpoint that the phone does not allow the fast charger to dump lots of current into it at that point.
PCalc for the win.
iPhone batteries are non-replaceable?
If we make the assumption that planned obsolescence through software engineering is something Apple does, then why does my 10-year old MacBook Pro run just as well with OSX 10.11 as it did with OSX 10.5?
For a microgrid installation, most of the time it is grid-tied and they are using the PV to shave demand. Sure, the PV system might not be net zero and in a true disaster scenario when the hospital is islanded it’ll be burning diesel as well. It doesn’t mean you can’t make the numbers work.
I’m no software engineer, but I could build a set of intermittent wipers out of an arduino and a 12V relay for like $12 and an hour of my time.
Another day, another common practice you should feel bad for supporting.
On the flip side, structuring ratings so that it is implied that 10/10 or 5 stars = average tells me that the company doesn’t give a shit about people who do go above average.
There’s always the M550d, which is also not available in the US.
Probably used their buyout cash on BMWs.
No such thing as a free lunch and all that, so it’s probably not wise to exclude those energy costs from the TCO of the Model S. There have been articles on here and elsewhere about crackdowns by Tesla of Supercharger abuse. Taxi services using it to subsidize their energy costs might be a viable option right now,…
Absolutely true, but they are still using that energy and someone is still paying to generate is all I’m saying.
It mentions the supercharger network which for them is free, so they are probably including fuel costs for the ICE cars and excluding energy costs for the Tesla.
5-10 kW of PV is probably possible on the roof of a 53 foot trailer, no?
I was surprised at the quoted 36MPG in your recommendation, as my 535D - a bigger car with the same motor - is rated for 38MPG highway and comfortably exceeds its rating on road trips. After some digging it’s correct, but I still have no idea why. Maybe the transmission?