
I agree, for situations where the airwaves aren’t crowded.

Our local airport, DEN, is like ATL junior (in terms of the concourse layout), less gates but more runways.

Love it. 13k miles in 3 months, averaging around 38mpg, plenty of power. We’ll see how it is in a few years when the warranty is up, but for now no problems at all.

A raspberry pi doesn’t have enough power to emulate System 6?

The frustrating thing to me is that no one is trying to deny that reducing our carbon footprint is overall a good thing for the planet. If we all agree in principle that this is the case, why are we arguing over the causes and precise impact of climate change? Why are we actively rolling back policies designed to curb

It’s funny because the job I currently work (for government) is the only one in my career so far that feels like I am actually coming in each day and genuinely doing something worthwhile for the sake of it, rather than simply trying to be efficient and profitable.

Sure, some people will be turning in some real shitboxes - but not everyone. I turned mine in clean, and without missing a scheduled maintenance (sure, I swapped the battery for a dying one and timed it so the oil was old). As long as the price is right the working ones would sell. People buy former rental cars,

Developing the fix is still a win though because all these bought-back cars can go back on the used market and get driven.

What a time to be alive.

Yeah, I suppose it’s not as cut-and-dried as all that. I lean fairly liberal but given the size and diversity of the USA, I believe many issues can be better resolved at the state level.

Not if the fed finds a way to prohibit CARB from enforcing their own regulations. Which they are surely working on.

The Focus ST has it on the passenger side too (at least our ‘13 does)

I think humans just enjoy complaining, that’s why so many live in the northeast.

I moved to Colorado and discovered I really don’t miss the ocean that much. Plus, it’s a 3 hour plane ride if I do want to go for a swim.

I also find dedicating a place specifically for the purpose is helpful. Cutesy cat-related decoration is optional, though.

This is a good translation.

I feel like that would rob me of the satisfaction of going to the next belt hole when losing weight (and conversely, spare me the embarassment of going back up around the holidays).

I work at a large (>50MM pax/yr) airport and we have rules built into all the concession leases about pricing. All vendor pricing is reviewed by the airport and the general rule is “street plus 10%.”

Side by side here as well. While fairly narrow, ours does (barely) fit a regular size frozen pizza horizontally. I can definitely see the benefit of a wider compartment, though. When the day comes ours inevitably needs to be replaced, we will likely go with a french door and just get a small chest freezer and stick it