
Developing the fix is still a win though because all these bought-back cars can go back on the used market and get driven.

Yeah, I suppose it’s not as cut-and-dried as all that. I lean fairly liberal but given the size and diversity of the USA, I believe many issues can be better resolved at the state level.

Not if the fed finds a way to prohibit CARB from enforcing their own regulations. Which they are surely working on.

The Focus ST has it on the passenger side too (at least our ‘13 does)

I think humans just enjoy complaining, that’s why so many live in the northeast.

I moved to Colorado and discovered I really don’t miss the ocean that much. Plus, it’s a 3 hour plane ride if I do want to go for a swim.

I also find dedicating a place specifically for the purpose is helpful. Cutesy cat-related decoration is optional, though.

This is a good translation.

I feel like that would rob me of the satisfaction of going to the next belt hole when losing weight (and conversely, spare me the embarassment of going back up around the holidays).

I work at a large (>50MM pax/yr) airport and we have rules built into all the concession leases about pricing. All vendor pricing is reviewed by the airport and the general rule is “street plus 10%.”

Side by side here as well. While fairly narrow, ours does (barely) fit a regular size frozen pizza horizontally. I can definitely see the benefit of a wider compartment, though. When the day comes ours inevitably needs to be replaced, we will likely go with a french door and just get a small chest freezer and stick it

I drive 81 miles per day to work, and average around 30k a year with all the stuff we do on weekends. Comfort, mpg and tank range are my most important factors. When VW bought back the Jetta TDI I was driving, I parlayed the winnings into a BMW 535D which on paper does 37mpg highway and in reality can do over 40

There’s 3 of us at home, and a stack of 3 plates in the microwave for 1 minute gets them nice and warm. Plus, with the microwave over the stovetop it also gets a little heat from the food cooking below, so you don’t even really need to time it very carefully. Just nuke the plates sometime close to when the food’s

There are a lot of devoted diesel fans (just look at the pickup truck market) that would love to pour money into a car they personally enjoy.

Yeah, this is kinda the shitty thing about the whole situation. The people being affected the most negatively by it really had no part in it.

In high school, a friend of mine had a first-gen GS (non-turbo) eclipse. Relatively big, sticky tires, not much power. A very nimble car.

We wanted to eat at one of those hipster pizza places in Brooklyn one time, and went in the evening. It was more than a 2 hour wait (we decided to go elsewhere for dinner that night). The next day we walked right in at lunch and enjoyed a delicious meal.

My BMW 5 series does 38mpg on the highway. It weighs over 2 tons. It’s 2017; 36 MPG is not an unachievable figure.

I’m contemplating going the other way, drop off my TDI with as much crap stashed in it as possible. The smellier the better.

Trump wants to be this generation’s Reagan, but I think we’ll find he’s more Nixon.