
I’d guess they were from nearby and didn’t want to fly. I can sort of understand the ambivalence to today’s air travel system given all the security hoops and the public perception of TSA and airline companies. IMO, flying commercial in today’s world is completely fine, security isn’t that bad and airfare is a pretty

Yeah, these buybacks seem to be a whole spectrum of deals, ranging from downright shitty to thousands of dollars of free money, depending on the specific vehicle.

I hope some of this translates into good loyalty incentives when the buybacks start. I’d be down to stick with VW but probably won’t unless they make it worth my while.

Don’t forget that time Mercedes-Benz drove 3 E320 diesels 100,000 miles in 30 days.

Yeah, I thought you’re a millenial if you’re old enough to remember 9/11 and young enough to not remember the Challenger.

We even have a modern-day example from post-9/11 when there were no planes in the sky (except military) for 3 whole days.

I mean, those are 4-6 foot diameter steel pipes, easily thousands of dollars per linear foot. I’d venture a guess that there is indeed a couple million bucks worth of pipe rolling overboard in the video.

What I don’t like is the “100%” forecast. I mean, you can never be 100% confident that something will happen one way for another. This seems to happen a lot in the winter with snow storms that then fizzle out and do nothing.

CO2 is not pollution, and the “global climate change” hysteria is a hoax.

American airport architecture is a bit lacking when compared to some places around the world, but even so... it’s not completely absent.

Well there’s at least a better chance of getting your hands on a Golf R than a Focus RS.

Interesting - it’s kind of the opposite in colorado because medical isn’t subject to the 20% sales tax and a lot of places sell to both types of users.

I agree, humans react differently to chemicals. Even the same humans, on different days.

Yeah, it took the country way too long to acknowledge the opioid problem and we still aren’t doing enough about it.

Slightly off-topic anecdote: The transition to legalization is happening first-hand here in colorado.

We are on the same side of this argument.

In fact, doesn’t every EV currently sold in the US ship with the ability to charge at a J1772 station? I’d be surprised to see one that didn’t. We have installed about 30 level 2 stations at the place I work for public use - all kinds of cars use them.

In the engineering profession at least, the engineer is often personally liable for his work. For example, if a building I worked on burns down and kills someone I would most certainly end up in court and have to incur legal costs. This is where insurance comes in handy, and big engineering firms will cover the legal

I’ll take your word for it on the paybacks, but that doesn’t account for personal preference and really doesn’t deter me from considering the purchase. I also disagree about the slowness. It’s just a different type of power delivery. Lots of people claim the VW TDI’s (which I currently own) are turd slow too, but the