
Currently shopping the Duramax Colorado. If you’re putting 30k miles a year on a vehicle like I do, this truck offsets the price premium in fuel savings after like 2 years.

Some argue that airlines are adjusting programs to squeeze more out of business travelers, but some of those changes trickle down to leisure travelers trying to take advantage of loyalty programs.

Well my comment was kind of OT from his original point I guess. However its a little bit of an exaggeration to imply headphones are suddenly going to skyrocket in price just because they have to ship with a DAC inside. I mean, there are tons of dirt cheap bluetooth sets on the market already and those also have to

This is the same reason that airlines structure their fares to screw over business travelers.

S cycle is best cycle. I’ve gone 4s-5S-6S after toiling with a 3G and 4, and never felt like my phone was the least bit outdated or slow. Devices have been getting longer-lived lately but it seems like for the iphone line, the “S” phones are just a bit more future-proof and have the bugs worked out a little better.

Not sure if any exist on the market, but couldn’t a headset with built-in DAC be implemented on the existing iphones? They already dock with speaker systems and the like.

They still have to ship the phone with a DAC inside, unless they remove the speaker.

Technically, all vehicles in the class action were sold this way. They developed the defeat device prior to 2009 specifically to cheat emissions. They should have never sold any of them.

My question is how does this play out for someone who needs a replacement vehicle immediately? I feel like I will have a much easier time with this by buying a beater car on craigslist, that way the transaction can take however long it needs to take and I still have wheels I can use in the meantime. But, what about

My 2013 Jetta which retailed new for $25.5k qualifies for $22,700 in the buyback. I’ll gladly sell it to you today for a grand over that.

The example shows a 2009 with 55,000 miles. How does one justify paying a premium for a 42mpg car and turn around and drive it less than 10k a year?

VW Opened up their claims website. Owners of 2.0 TDIs can now start their claim. Buybacks are still a few months out but you can get your “official” amount.

The first piece we bought was a weight machine (Inspire FT1). Our primary reasons for going with that over a treadmill as our first piece:

These, supermarket circulars and the fake “Mortgage Payment Information Enclosed” refinance junk mail constitute like 95% of our mail.

I think the most I’ve loaded into a cart was around 400lbs of dumbbells in a Wal-Mart shopping cart. Was a bit hard to steer, but it took the weight just fine.

We have a 200k Jetta TDI in the family since new. It runs like a top, but the engine has far fewer miles than 200k. That car was the one we learned the valuable lesson about replacing timing belts at their interval on VWs.

Dealer greed notwithstanding, the Fusion is price comparable if not a better deal.

Everybody is following the money and putting all their effort into trucks and crossovers lately. Shame for those of us who still want cars.

Fusion Sport, maybe? But yeah, mostly a bland segment. I was shopping for a larger car a few years back and ended up sacrificing interior space and got a Focus ST.

It’s grounded to the ground!