
If this is unreasonable, so is $60 for a fight. I would gladly pay this to get the full use of my modest home theater. For people who have actually invested real money in their screening rooms this is a no-brainer. Hopefully for $50 you’ll get better than blu-ray quality.

I asked my wife yesterday if there’s anything about the old Jetta she missed from the new car, and all she said was “the old car heated up quicker” but other than that, everything is better.

3D touch isn’t a reason to upgrade, but I do think that developing and popularizing pressure-sensitive touchscreens is a worthy endeavor. It’ll just improve the market in general as more hardware adopts it and people figure out interesting ways to use it.

Increasing the incline does increase the effort. To achieve the same amount of work, monitor your heart rate during an outdoor run and try to match that on the treadmill by playing with the incline.

Friend of mine had the same exact car. Got T-boned one day by some dumbass. What a great ride. I never owned a Viggen but I’ve had plenty of Saabs; I went with a Focus ST last time I was in the market, which is a very similar car to the Viggen.

7-15 miles a day is a lot? I work an office job and I walk at least 8 miles a day.

I just borrow my ebooks from the library; that’s where DRM makes sense, anyway.

Based off of subjective opinion I guess; the newer ones seem to take physical abuse and software updates better than they used to.

I’m somewhat in the same boat. No Apple gear until I got one of those old 5g ipods. Before I knew it I dropped $2k on a MBP. Best laptop I’ve owned - still running great after 8 years and a few minor upgrades. I have an iPad 2 I use daily - still going strong 5 years now. I did buy into the iphone ecosystem as well.

Strictly anecdotal, but each new iPhone I’ve owned has lasted longer, had better software support at end of life and stayed in better shape than the one it replaced. I think they are definitely putting effort and R&D into making their devices more robust and long-lasting, as this is a key feature for many buyers.

I think for the murder charge to stick they will have to prove intent. This is textbook manslaughter if you ask me. Tragic, yes. Avoidable, yes. Intentional... no. Not sure what the punishment for manslaughter is, but I’m sure it’s still a fair bit of jail time.

I don’t think today’s high-bypass style engines would fit on the fuselage in the same way. They need all the room they can get for the massive fan at the front of the engine. Older-style turbofans were smaller and less efficient and could be mounted more easily on the fuselage. Comparing the original 737 engines to

They just raised their insurance prices, which is probably why they are offering this.

Not to mention volcanoes actually have a negative forcing effect due to the cloud cover, offsetting some warming from sources like CO2 and solar variation.

This is a company who made a profit from doing so on a massive scale, big difference.

25k isn’t hard. I do 28k a year just commuting and doing family-type stuff on weekends (and occasional road trips).

People were hugely against the idea of flying in something with only two engines, when four was the norm and had been forever.

You can get around it on iOS by adding a second reminder to the appointment, 2 hours before its time to leave, or adding a second appointment for “arrive at airport” (which is what I usually do). Google’s handling of these situations is definitely superior.

They have these at DEN too.