
Is it me or is the "new" month view in the calendar just the old view from iOS6?

Agreed. Even if you have to adjust what you watch or how long you have to wait to see it.

You're completely dismissing an entire gender of singers from your musical tastes?

I am also looking to get my PPL (and have a couple of hours logged already), but the five-figure investment is still a few spots down the list, behind "pay for my wedding this spring" and "buy a house next summer."

If you're going this route, why not just go hang out at the GA terminal and look for friendly-looking pilots, and offer them fifty bucks for a ride?

What year is your Focus? I have a '13 Focus ST with MFT and I agree, the software it shipped with, version 3.5.1 was a terrible piece of crap and needed to be taken out back and put out of its misery. I can recall some occasions when I actually got a BSOD while driving down the highway waiting for the next turn on the

The idea being that all mapping products have flaws (as you have shown here)?

Yeah, some of the same functionality that Google Now has. I hardly use it on my 5S as my commute is short, but I don't really care enough to turn it off.

If you have an iphone running iOS 7, you can go to Settings-privacy-location services-system services-frequent locations, and under there see a list of all the places you've been, and when (and how long) you were at each one. Mine is boring, mostly work and home. 77 visits to work since January 10. Jeez, I need to get google earth.

You know, I'm thinking a guy with your kind of mind ought to try the land crab.

Not to mention a 20-piece nuggets is $5 and a 10-piece is like $4.19.

Absolutely. My poor father is his own boss, and had to basically just shut down his company for the week while we all grieved.

When my mother died in November (she was only 64) my boss was very understanding and I was fortunate to have coworkers that took on what needed to be taken on so I could take a week and deal with the arrangements/grieving. I live halfway across the country but I was lucky to be able to make it home with only hours to

Doesn't Warner music still use that logo?

I know what you mean. I feel like I'm going to slide out the window any time I take a gentle corner in my truck.

About 13 months on my ST's Recaros and they still look and feel pretty much new. Love 'em.

Well isn't that sneaky of them!

I live a half mile from work, and drive anyway.