
The simple solution to this is to make the tests open book, and hard enough that it won't really help. A lot of college professors loved to do that; it was quite annoying.

The cool thing about the hair one and the clouds was that they just used photos and the software generated the renderings on its own.

inb4 someone takes this article seriously.

I recently took a 400-mile road trip, and TomTom at the start of the trip was able to predict my ETA within about 5 minutes.

These reviews seem to take for granted that the apps' routing is going to be flawless and the traffic data is perfect. Did you guys do any testing in city streets and traffic to find any differences in route calculation, re-calculation, estimation of ETA, or traffic?

Yeah, exactly. It's probably a very helpful sign for a trucker, at least one who knows how heavy his rig is. Some don't. I definitely wouldn't want to be surprised halfway down the grade to find myself in a runaway situation because there were no warning signs.

I think the TL;DR of Citrius' comment is "I'm 18 and I took that comment personally"

Can we get hamburger vending machines?

Where's my damned food replicator?

Tell me about it!

That's the thing; Facebook is meant as a social networking service and the TOS are written with that in mind. People who use Facebook as a platform for serious content are doing it wrong. There are other platforms with more appropriate terms of service which can be used for things like professional photography or

I feel like the title is misleading. Based on the age of the pole and the other one in the background, I'd guess that the poles were there to begin with and they actually put the road in the middle of the power pole.

That's kinda what I figured. It would have been nice for them to specify that in the article, but what are you gonna do.

Hahahaha. Dong energy.

Where does the 25GWh number come from? Is that its rated lifespan? If it was running full blast, I get about 4200 hours to produce that much energy.

Number 1 is the key to everything.

Yeah, agree. They really need to add that caveat there. I run all terrain tires on my truck, which are great in the snow but unfortunately not much better than all-season tires on ice (the rubber is not that soft). I always try to stay away from wet looking tracks and stay in the snow, because at least I know I have

Actually, you can't send SMS (in the messages app, anyway) on a cellular iPad either.

Hey look, now it says Reed Hastings is Amazon's CEO!

I like Navigon or TomTom. I bought TomTom. It has never let me down. I think they're all pretty good nowadays.