
My guess is that they couldn't hit the margins they wanted to selling an iPad 3 for that price. They will probably be on the refurb store for around that price, though.

My iPad 2 still runs like a champ on the latest version of iOS and any apps I've used, so I see no reason why this device would be anything but buttery smooth.

Yeah, so that limits you to factory-spec drives only. Bummer.

Oh, my mistake. That takes care of the memory.

I won't be buying one. Why would I buy something which doesn't serve my needs? I've never bought an iMac.

Not to mention that it looks like the only way inside is through the screen. I'm thinking DIY storage and memory upgrades are going to be a pain in the ass.

I think that stick up your butt has a stick up its butt.


I understand the problem, but its really not that hard to copy/paste that link to an email, gchat, fb, whatever protocol is handy and sling that video to a bigger screen when it seems worth it.

The ones I've seen have a small display by the machine. After you're scanned, the display either turns all green, or highlights an area on a cartoon body in red for further patdown. I always assumed that display was computer generated, but I suppose there could be someone looking at each one just like the bags.

Microsoft is Doomed! Doomed, I tell you!

Not to mention HDTVs aren't exactly known for their serviceability.

Well that escalated quickly.

Well played. You know, I had my doubts about Kinja working out. But in the old system, we would never have something quite like this here comment thread.

They've moved away from that, actually, and it's even worse now because some apps still put their settings in the 'settings' app, and some don't, and some even have them split up between both places.

Good to know. I mostly asked because I know from pictures that they left the tail cone on for transporting the Enterprise. Now that I think about it, that might be because the Enterprise doesn't have nozzles at all.

It's interesting that they removed the fairing from around the engine (the one they use in flight, I assume for aerodynamics) after it landed in LA but before it got to the museum. Was that necessary? Seems like a bit of extra protection might not have hurt for this trip.

Yeah, I was more correcting the article's assumptions to match up with historical releases. But you're right - so it's 4 models, 3 capacities, 2 colors = 24 SKUs.

Is this the one they used in Act of Valor? I thought that was so cool.

Microsoft is hungry, and it shows in their products. When they were complacent, they made things like Windows ME and the Zune (but not the Zune HD which came later). When they're really scared, they make great stuff like this.