
This is not correct. Websites cannot access cookies in your browser except for their own. As others point out, though, Facebook is in a unique position because so many other sites embed Facebook code (like and share buttons) which gives Facebook insight into your browsing history on any of those other sites.

I drive and instruct at HPDEs and log about 5,000 miles a year between my left seat and right seat track time. While there are certainly more dangerous hobbies, ours does entail tangible risk to property and life. We do what we can to mitigate the risk, but accidents can and will occur. Just in case an accident

And if you really want to feel disgusted, Google "2:3 Pulldown" and be amazed at the hackery involved.

If you buy a car — any car — buy it in whatever fucking color with whatever fucking goofy stripes or decals or detail that makes you happy. Enjoy the car however your style leads you. It might make resale a challenge, but are you buying the car for you or are you buying for the next guy?

The engine's in the wrong place.


You're not so hot at reading comprehension, are you? Didn't you at least look at the pictures?

I think I've figured out the trick. Just shut up and let her drive. Amidoingitright?

Thank you for reminding me why I switched to Mac OS X.

I had a 1992 NX2000. The first brand new car I ever bought. It was, without a doubt, the best-handling front wheel drive car I've ever driven.

Yes, that's definitely Salt Lick's pit.

One thing's for sure — if you drive a 911 you damn well better not lift.

I made a guy throw up a few weeks ago — but he was riding on track in mine, not looking at it. Does that count?

No coco, you can't have my GT3 RS.

These all seem like fantastic changes to me and I'm excited to see where the community will take it.