

I am also someone who 100% believes in climate change and is willing to argue/fight for the merits of creating a world based on sustainability. I also am someone who raises a hard eyebrow that the charge is being led by a 16 year old white woman who comes from an entitled background. While her darker complexion

I am just going to throw this out there as a general PSA with no kink shaming implied:

Okami meets Dark Souls.

Yvan eht nioj!

Not all of us here are burned my friend. My current fiance and I met on Tinder, we also did the deed on date one, and had dinner.

Cool. Now I have a valid reason to shaft my 20min late Seamless/GrubHub delivery person by showing them pictures of people who still get the job done on time while carrying 200lbs of goods through fucking mountains.

Yea this is a pretty big spoiler but also not EXACTLY a surprise to anyone with a baseline level of following narrative. It was spoiled for me the moment I learned the Inquisitors would be the main villains. I was like. Vader is gotta be there somewhere...Where one goes, so does the other. ESPECIALLY when a jedi

Most of the linage of the rulers of Egypt came from the Upper Nile region more often than not and were darker skinned. Hell look at any statues of Akhnten and you clearly see prominent sub-Saharan features...This is like...Black History 101.

My Taiwanese fiance and I are actually pretty excited to see this. Black Love can always be celebrated; even by those who may not fall into the definition of it. 

This feels like it was directed by Tim and Eric.....without Tim and Eric actually directing it.

In the context of THIS game...regarding the Force being locked behind his own psychological trauma. It works perfectly; where it doesn’t work is a game such as TFU where you actually do get more “force juice” for simply killing enemies. 

Ha! I will say I 100% agree here. It is blasphemous for SW: Fallen Order to in one part be so video gamey (in a great way!) and then simply deny perhaps the most quintessential video gamey mechanic till 70% into the game. Even from a narrative point it makes little sense. *SPOILERS BELOW*

Did you ever consider that he was making a very specific jab at how Disney absolutely has a track record of doing exactly that?

Soul-less baby eating monsters...each and every one.

In all fairness...that is on you for praying to a sky god that simply doesn’t exist. 

So let me just be clear on two points:

I beat the game on grand master and yea for whatever reason the fauna is way harder than any enemy needs to be. Not because they are actually hard but in numbers and the fact there are no iframes when you are staggered and they have short attach animations each, so they can essentially stun lock you while something

Oggdo shmnoggdo.....lets talk about those rams though. 

Playing through DA:O and Kotor 1/2 are masterclasses in “How to Western RPG”.